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Ingredients: Nettle-infused olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, nettle-infusion, sodium hydroxide, aloe vera, lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil



Nettle has long since been a staple in herbal medicine, renowned for its diverse healing properties. Rich in vitamins A, C, D and K, nettle also has powerful astringent qualities, which make it perfect for eczema and psoriasis. This soap is crafted using the slow cold process method. Since no external heat is used during processing, the healing properties of the natural ingredients are preserved as much as possible. Each bar contains nutrient-rich, nettle-infused organic extra virgin olive oil, as well as a nettle-infusion to ensure the maximum benefit of nettle is received. We also add organic coconut oil for fluffy lather, organic high oleic sunflower oil for its superior skin care properties, and organic jojoba oil for its superb ability to condition and moisturize.  Aloe vera has been added to help cool and soothe inflamed skin. This herbal, handcrafted soap is scented with lavender and peppermint, for a refreshing, clean feeling.

Suitable for all skin types, but very beneficial for eczema and psoriasis.

Nettle and Aloe Soap

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